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Big Cinema, Small Cinema #67

Film still from GLIMPSE OF THE GARDEN: Close-up of a dark blue flower.

Sun 11.02.

Looking at Animals and Plants with Different Eyes
We start off with the two-minute 16-mm film VORWÄRTS/RÜCKWÄRTS (2023), hand painted by 7-year-old Luisa von Lucken together with Ute Aurand with a live soundtrack by Frank Behnke. Afterwards, we see animals and plants with other eyes in a way that is only possible in film: seed pods open in slow motion and hurl their seeds into the air, which slowly sail down to earth (VERBREITUNG VON SAMEN, 1956). In GLIMPSE OF THE GARDEN (1957), Marie Menkenswings her camera just above the flower beds in the garden of her friend Dwight Ripley. That roller pigeons can somersault acrobatically in the air is shown by Georg Rüppell and Wilhelm Möller in FLUG DER ROLLERTAUBEN (1986). Finally, THIRD EYE BUTTERFLY (1968) will be projected on to the screen with two projectors at the same time. Storm de Hirsch sends us into the realm of transformed butterflies with dancing colors and forms. The film (the print is coming from New York) is only seldom shown on the big screen. (Ute Aurand/Robert Beavers)
Open to all from 7 and above

vorwärts / rückwärts Luisa von Lucke, Ute Aurand, Frank Behnke Germany 2023 16 mm 2 min.
Verbreitung von Samen Ulrich K.T. Schulz FRG 1956 16 mm silent 12 min.
Glimpse of the Garden Marie Menken USA 1957 16 mm 4 min.
Columba livia domestica (Columbidae) – Flug der Rollertauben
Georg Rüppell, Wilhelm Möller FRG 1986 16 mm silent 4 min.
Third Eye Butterfly Storm de Hirsch USA 1968 16 mm Double projection 10 min.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund